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Vegatble fats, margarines and their effects on health

Why vegetable margarines?

Vegetable margarines play an important role in healthy human nutrition. Vegetable margarines are produced from vegetable fats and oils like soybean, sunflowerseed, cottonseed and palm oils. Thats why these fats are rich of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and contain 0 (zero) cholesterol.  Unsaturated fatty acids decrease bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good (HDL) one and thus helps you to avoid from coroner and cardiovascular  diseases. Saturated fats, like butter, increase cholesterol level in blood and increase risk of cardiovascular disease.  Beside unsaturated fatty acids margarines are good source of vitamines A, D and E.

The role of margarines in healthy nutrition

Most of margarine consumers don’t understand the importance of margarines in human diet. There are little amounts of saturated fat in it. Especially table margarines are rich sources of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The fats must be consumed accourding to daily diet in balance. In case of getting 30% of energy from them it can be advised to take equal, 10% ratio of saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The daily intake of fats for adult man is 90 grams and for woman is minimum 65 grams. The daily intake of fats is higher for children and they take 50% of daily energy from such fatty foods like margarines and milk. 

Margarines are rich of unsaturated fats and vitamines. They are enriched with Vitamin A which is growth factor and keeps eyes healthy. In case of vitamin D margarines are more rich sources than butter. Vitamin D increases calcium ratio in organism so it play an  important role helath of teeth and bones

Coroner and cardiovascular sourced deaths take one of first place between human deaths in industrial and developing countries. WHO and other authorized organizations advise intake of  more unsaturated fats than saturated ones. It is a fact that consumption of margarine instead of butter decreased ratio of cardiovascular diseases in different countries.  CANYAG margarine  will help you to prevent your heart from desease.

The daily margarine intake is also important for growing children. Continuous intake of margarine helps them to take useful nutrients for their growth. ERYAG pays an attention to children growth and enriches CANYAG with vitamines and useful fats.

The importance of vitamines of Canyag for health

The vitamin ratios of foods is different and usually some of them may contain higher amounts of vitamins and but lower one of others.

Margarines became a rich source of vitamines since they are elements of diet. Producers must add vitamins A and D to margarine accourding to Turkish Margarine Standard (TS 2812). The intake of  vitamines soluble in oil with fat provides more efficient usage of them in organism.  The ratios of vitamines A and D in Canyag is accourding to Turkish Margarine Standard.


Margarine is w/o emulsion type product and consist of vegetable fat, milk, water and other additivities. It is possible to produce different purpose margarin with various fat ratios (40%, 60%, 70% and 82%), fat compositions and production ways.

Margarines are produced from 100% vegetable fats like sunflower, soybean, cottonseed and palm oils.

The production margarines begins from refining of fats.


Refining is 3-stage operation which consist of

-Neutralization: purification of fat from free fatty acids and other impurities

-Bleaching: purification of fat from colour pigments

-Deodorization: - purification of fat from indesirable falvours 



The production of margarine is consist of stages written below:
-Preparation of fat and water phases
-Preparation of emulsion
-Cooling, crystallization and mixing

1-     Preparation of fat and water phases

The water phase contains:
-milk, milk powder, whey powder
-Acidity regulator (citric acid)
-Antimicrobial additivities

The fat phase contains:

-emulgators (monodiglycerides, lecitin)
-colourising agent (beta caroten)
-Flavouring agents
-Vitamines (A & D)


Fat and water phases are mixing homogeneously accourding to desirable water ratio.


Prepared w/o emulsion then goes to crystallization unit. This operaiton is making in modern continuosly working crystallizators called margarin production unit (MPU) or Votator.

When fats are cooled by themselves then sandy, non homogeneous structures becomes because of  formation saturated triglycerides and non-homogeneous mass formation following it. The aim of cooling and crystallization is to obtain the fat with suitable appearance, stability and structure function. So it is not enough just to cool the fat. During homogenization the water phase is distributed in fat homogeneously and the size of its globullars are reduced.

Despite at appearance of fats as homogeneous structure in microscopic observation it can be seemed that there are cristalls penetrated to each other and liquid fat between them. When the forced is applied to the  fat there are motion of crystalls to one another. Thus this mass had butter-like behaviour.


To obtain this specification:
-Solid and liquid phases must be distributed homogeneously in each other to keep the mass stable.

-There must be certain ratio between two phases


Fats are being crystallized after cooling and this operation continues till the final cristal form.

This is carried out in MPU and these operations are irreversible. After final crystallization if the fat is melted and crystallized  the lower cristall types are fomed. The crystal type determines specification of structure.

Cooling cylinders are used in  emulsion cooling and crystallization and amonium or freon are usedas coolers.


Hot emulsion is pumped to cooling cylinders by high pressure pumps. Then the emulsion  is quickly cooled on cylinders surface and crystallizes. Crystallized emulsion is scraped by high speed rotating knives. This proses is carried in several steps. At the last stage the product passes the resting tube where homogeneous structures is fixed and finally is  filled in package.

The storage and distribution of products must be carried at temperature which is lower than the applicaiton temperature to keep quality at the highest level.

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Margarine types

There are 3 classes of margarines accourding to TS 2812 Margarine Standard:

1-Table margarine

2-Vegetable ghee

3-Food industry margarine

They are also classified to salty and non salty types upon their salt contents.

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